October 29, 2012

The day has come!!

The day I heard the news
and saw it on TV
with channels blaring
the same news 24/7

I felt, Oh! How sad!!
The entire world
was gripped

Everyone prayed
for the dead one
to Rest in Peace

Each home hoped
for the lost one
to return back safe

But I knew
you weren't there
something kept telling me
She's no more!!

I'm not pessimistic
I wanted you to live
Oh little baby
live to see the life 
like we do

Your big round eyes
keeps haunting me
on sleepless nights

My heart bleeds
every time I think of you

If only I could
do a miracle
I would turn the clock of life
to a week back;

What do you call him?
A Moron? A pervert?

Didn't you think for a second?
How many lives
you shall mutilate?

The day has come
when I can't believe 
my own shadow

The day has come
when our heads
hang in shame

The need has come
for us to think
where are we heading?

When our prayers can't save you,
is there a need to pray 
for you to rest in peace?

Image courtesy: Google Images.

P.S: This is in memory of Saanvi baby who was brutally killed last week around this time.


  1. It is heart wrenching to see little children becoming the victim of greed..

    1. Yes Renu, it is. The baby's eyes are literally haunting me. :(

  2. I read this news a few days back. Felt totally numb. Well, the world is full of monsters.
    May she rest in peace.

    1. Amit, it has become such that you don't know who to believe now. I wish and hope such incidents don't happen again so that trust in people still remains.

  3. I heard about it too! Where is this world heading!!

    1. Don't know Jaish..that's what been bothering us for the past one week :(

  4. Poignant post Latha.
    We have no one else to blame except ourselves. Where have our morals gone?

    1. Greed, Bhagya. That fellow has a lot of debts and he did this act thinking he can clear all of them at one stretch..How foolish!! He got addicted to gambling.

  5. FIF...My thoughts and prayers go out to the Venna family. What a terrible news it was...:(
    RIP baby...

    1. Yes Panchali, heart wrenching..:( That poor guy lost his mother and daughter at one time..terrible.

  6. Oh .. This is sad I hope the perpetrators are taken to task and given the right punishment .. I mean I dont have a clue what happened but I know for sure that a baby killed how can someone do this to a baby who cant even protect himself and who looks at you for safety ..

    Sad Sad If I was a judge I would hand the killers to people and let them tear them apart .. sounds ruthless but no place for such people ..


    1. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/10/26/murdered-grandmother-baby-pa/1661571/

      really sad Bikram. He got addicted to gambling and did this heinous act. There are more sad additions to this story. He got married six months back and his wife is preg. Imagine her plight..useless fellow..he spoiled everyone's lives.

      btw, can I have your email id? I didn't find it anywhere in your blog.

    2. mannbik@gmail.com

      I sometimes hve to face such scenarios and it can be heartbreaking I know

  7. It is very sad that a baby's life is snuffed out in greed.A ruthless punishment should be given too the culprit.My heart goes out to the bereaved parents.
    The poem reflects your anguish and outrage.

    1. Yes KP, it is very very pathetic..The baby's dad lost his mom and daughter at the same time. And this baby was born after 7 years of their marriage. That fellow's life is anyhow gone, but he left so many irreparable damages..

  8. Oh Latha, that was such a sad poem tinged with anger and pathos. We are turning, no have turned into monsters, because even beasts don't kill wantonly.

    1. Exactly..at least animals take care of their babies. He's an expectant dad in few months and didn't he know what it would be like to kill a baby? It seems he had umpteen debts due to his addiction for gambling and that made him do this. He should be given such a punishment that no other person should even dare to think of something like that.

  9. I heard about it and it is gut wrenching.

    1. It is Jas..if it is like that for us, imagine the plight of the couple..

  10. So sad. It hurts me when I see a child getting hurt.

    1. True Rachna. Since it was an Indian child and that too a telugu one, we felt more connected. A neighbor did it. Whoever, a child is a child..

  11. :( Shame on humanity!!! how such monsters stay among us!!!So sad about this issue!!! and you told it even more touchingly!!!

    1. Yes Ramya, greed is making man to do the most inhumane acts.. :(

  12. May her soul rest in peace. I just dont know what to say....Its a poignant sensitive tribute.

    1. That's all we can say, Alka..:( I pray god to give strength to the families to take it in their stride..

  13. The way he killed is the worst Ashwini..very very sad..how are you doing? is mommy back?

  14. That was a very poignant poem-------human beings are sinking to new lows all the time.

    1. yes, Indu. Greed..greed for money is sinking humanity.

  15. That was a terrible thing that happened to the baby and the family! RIP baby! :(

  16. The end really sent a chill down my spine and I had to read it all over again ...greed and all the brutality associated with it never ends...a very sensitive poem poignantly done ...

    1. Yes Sridevi, that was in deed very sad..The baby would turn one in a month..I feel really sorry for the parents.
