April 16, 2014

Obnoxiously yours!!

We all know the meaning of Obnoxious. Don't we? Do you really like the word or people who are obnoxious? They aren't that pleasant to hang around with, are they? Okay, let me get to the point.

This breed exists every where. It may be just that I haven't noticed in the past years of my life or may be I am getting old to tolerate them any more. I have seen her at work many times. For some mysterious reason, I never liked her. Sometimes, we don't like some people for no reason. I never spoke to her nor had a fight with her, but I still never liked her. Strange!! Isn't it? Having said that, we happened to talk and then became, not friends but a bit more than acquaintances. 

After I started talking to her, I tried to analyse the reasons for my dislike. She was big and had a loud voice. Though I am small, I have a loud voice too. On hearing her accent at first, I thought she must be an ABCD (American Born Confused Desi). I think I didn't like her show-off. Show off of her boots, her low neck tops or for that matter anything that related to her. Her husband traveled and she portrayed as if she is the only single mom of the world. She would give free lectures on parenting or anything. Loudly. Once during lunch, talking about self confidence she says, You need to wear high heels, stand straight, wear low neck and show cleavage. Being the tallest person that I am, I never enjoy high heels nor low necks. Whatever!! We worked in the same building for more than an year. After a gap of few months, we met at a different client and she behaves as if she hasn't ever seen me in her life. For the heck of it, I didn't even bother talking to her.

I thought we meet such people rarely. But, no. I am wrong. They happen to be spread out quite a bit. Had been meeting them once in a while. Here and there, everywhere. I met one lady at another client place. There was a team lunch and most of us wanted to go. She would babble loudly, "Oh, I don't attend such lunches. Those hours are not billable for contractors". What are you trying to say, madam? She has to poke in every conversation that is related to work and give her two cents. She sneezes and the whole room has to say, Bless you. If we have a team meeting, she would cut the boss. If the boss is OOO, you don't have to worry. She can fill in all your gaps.

So, you see this breed is breeding more and more day by day. If you can't stand them anymore, the best medicine for them is ignorance.


  1. It takes all kinds to make up this world :)

    1. Very true, Prathima...otherwise, world would have been totally different if everyone was alike. :)

  2. The best thing is definitely to ignore so that they don't get any more importance than what they deserve!

    1. I know...somehow, I can't get off the creeps they give me..

  3. hahaha
    Am glad u narrated this painful experience in a fun way. Day to day corporate experiences. Aren't they ? This is the reason I prefer going to lunch with jst one or two folks ormuch better- hav it at my desk/ Pantry
    good one again Prudhvi

    1. I think we face them more at work places....I stopped going to lunches altogether...I go but randomly..not a daily routine..thanks for reading, dear.

  4. I have met quite a few people of such types in the corporate world. They don't think twice before trampling on you on their to the top. The best would be to act like you said. Ignore! :)

  5. Ohh there are a lot of obnoxious people in the corporate world!

    O for Ostracized-Random Thoughts Naba

    1. Looks like Corporate world is famous for them or they tend to be obnoxious only in the corporate world. :)

  6. My favorite O word.. :P :D Although I hate those type of people, I love this word.. dunno y :P

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

  7. Yes a lot more and of many kinds!

  8. Latha,you seem to have strong likes and dislikes sometimes for no reason as you put it.If someone has loud voice or show off her high heels or display her cleavage,then it is her wish but cannot be termed obnoxious.As Pratima Rao has put it the world consists of several types and if you have no fancy for some one,just ignore as you rightly did.

    1. I agree KP sir. That must be her wish...but there are more traits than to it...trying to grab people's attention by making loud conversations...that is so out of place...and the carelessness in the air of attitude just freaks me out,,,and yes I do have strong likes and dislikes :)

  9. Such people are there at so many places ! They make for a boring atmosphere.

  10. It is best to ignore such people. You took the right decision.

  11. Unfortunately those types are everywhere, aren't they? Sigh. Especially in the workplace. GRRRR! I can relate!


  12. Obnoxous people we should be carefully deal with them

    1. http://ashalifeishope.blogspot.in/2014/04/optimist-vs-opportunist.html#comment-form

  13. I usually refer to these type of people as plastic -- there is little depth. Funny thing, if you know me at all you will realize that my dogs have no problems pointing them out very quickly. You know what they say, if my dogs or my kid don't like you -- there is usually a very good reason :)

    Carol @ Battered Hope
